Sure, here are the steps on how to create an email account in cPanel with a screenshot:

1. Log in to your cPanel account.

cPanel login page


2. Click on the Email icon.

cPanel email icon

3. Click on the Email Accounts link.

cPanel email accounts link


4. In the Create section, enter the following information:

  • Email: Enter the email address you want to create.
  • Password: Enter a secure password for the email account.
  • Password Again: Re-enter the password to confirm.
  • Quota: Select the amount of storage space you want to allocate to the email account.
  • Alternate Email: (Optional) Enter an alternate email address where you can receive password reset links and other notifications.


5. Click on the Create button.


The email account will be created and you will be redirected to the Email Accounts page. You can now start using your new email account.

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