To place order for Radio Hosting, follow the steps below.

Step 1:

Visit and click on Hosting > Radio Hosting as illustrated below


Step 2.

(1) Check out all of the different Radio Hosting packages and tenure that are available , (2) and then click on the Choose Plan link to place an order for the hosting package of your choice .


Step 3

(1) Selects the frequency of billing: monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually and (2) click continue


Step 5.

(1) Review your selected products and options, (2) if you are a new customer, click on the option to Create a New Account and fill all the spaces provided. (3) If you are however an existing customer, click the Existing Customer Login option and fill in your details. (4) Lastly select your desired Payment Methods, (5) agree to our terms of service and (6) click on checkout to finalize your order


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